Document Delivery with RightFind
- Search RightFind’s comprehensive database of scientific, technical and medical (STM) content that includes over 165+ million citations and 13+ million open access articles
- CCC delivers over 1.9 million documents a year, more than any other document delivery provider
- Our award-winning RightFind content workflow solution was named to KMWorld’s “100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management ”
- 88% of articles are delivered instantly and 98% are delivered within 24 hours
- Clear all documents through CCC publisher relationships or authorized vendors
- Use citation data to order the PDF articles, book chapters, proceedings, and more that you need
- Quickly view all document orders in one convenient place
- Document Delivery with RightFind is part of the RightFind Suite – a robust set of software solutions that fuel scientific research and simplify copyright, anytime, anywhere.